First off let me tell you of personal Halo service record so you don't think I am some Halo virgin. I never played the original Halo. Blasphemy! But at that point in my life I was still playing first person shooters on computer, yes a computer, the thing they used to make quality games for. I heard it was awesome I just never got to it. But when Halo 2 arrived I could not escape its wrath. I was sold along before it arrived and couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I actually stoled someone elses Limited Edition pre-order at the Wal-Mart I worked at. Teach him for shopping there. Part three and ODST I was at the midnight releases and played till I had to work at 7 in the AM. I have my shiny limited editions of 2 and 3, as well as ODST proudly displayed on my shelves. And even though some people didn't care for ODST and Halo Wars, I loved both of them. Of course I play ever single kind of video game type. RTS is kinda a niche fan base. And some people don't like to have to put in an effort to stay alive and kill things as in ODST. So I guess I have been playing Halo for awhile now.

When you first turn on the game you will be asked to customize you Spartan warrior. Male or Female. A spectrum of colors. Credit system is a way to purchase new pieces of armor to customize yourself. You earn credits for all game types. Also extra credits can be gained through Commendations, daily challenges and weekly challenges. This is the character you will be using throughout your whole game experience, even Campaign. You can customize everything just the way you want it. Your rank will also be carried over into all game types and even though you are trying to beat the Campaign you will still be earning points toward rank and gear, which personally I love. So that is nice compared to whatever rank nonsense was going on in Halo 3 Multi-Player. All these little changes make it feel like the character is your own personal extension of yourself.
When you first start playing the game it feels different, but those little changes just make it a better gaming experience, even though there is change the game itself feels familiar to veteran fans. The Spartans seem to be moving much faster, thank god. Last games felt like I was moving in molasses and was reason some people preferred games such as Battlefield (A fave of mine) and COD. I just assumed Master Chief knew how badass he was and just strolled along. Items found in Halo 3 Multi-Player such as power shields, camouflage, force fields and such have been done away with, thank god, and replaced with five classes you can choose from at the start of a Multi-Player match and items you can find in Campaign. And for those who don't like them you can play Classic games so they can keep it nice and simple for them.

Campaign is fun, even knowing you are all going to die, spoiler! Four player co-op has also been included online and co-op two player on single machine. In past Halo's you knew Master Chief was not going to pass away and the story was not always making much sense. In Reach you play Noble 6, replacing a dead member of Noble Team and filling out their team. You and your fellow Spartans end up in a fight to the death with a invading Covenant fleet. This game proves that you don't need Master Chief to make a Halo game. I love Noble team. Sadly as push on in game you start to realize how hopeless your situation is. Every time you think you put a dent into the Covenant's forces, you find you just accomplished nothing. You find yourself fighting along side members of Noble through out the game and get to fight with them to their glorious end. On Legendary by yourself prepare for a fun fight. And beware the Fuel Rod Cannons and Plasma Grenade Launchers, they will make you cry. And, yeah I said a gun that shoots stickies! Sigh.
I was reading a couple other people's reviews and read that single player is only 6 hours long. Well I guess have to tell them maybe you should play games on a harder difficulty than normal. I haven't played a game on normal in ten years you @#$$y. I hate people complaining a game is too easy. Everything is easy on default settings. All games have been dumbed down for the current generations of horribly bred children and mainstream public. Our current hard or insane is my old normal mode. I hate that reviewers are all whiny little @#$%^s, me included. :) Rant concluded.
For those that love your X Box Avatar such as I do, five Noble team helmets are unlockable through the silly accomplishments. I personally like the ability to open new avatar gear and like to change my look every week. To each his own.
Overall this game is amazing! Its is everything Halo has been and what it could be. New Campaign, new guns, new maps and the ultimate multi-player experience. Even my friends who are not into Halo have purchased it and are loving it. Every little thing that may have annoyed you about Halo in the past has probably been changed or fixed. It makes me proud to own my X Box and I give this game my highest praise. Thank you Microsoft and Bungie for taking Bungie's Halo legacy out on such an outstanding note. As always just my opinion, feel free to have your own.
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