Friday, October 1, 2010

The Big Bang Theory, Season 4, Episode 2, "The Cruciferous Vegetable Amplification"

Last night's episode of The Big Bang Theory, found Sheldon struggling to come to grips with his mortality. Based upon charts and graphs of the way he lives his lifestyle he is going to pass away a tad short of being about to transfer his consciousness into a cyborg body.

Sheldon then decides to start changing the way he lives, by eating better and exercising to extend his life expectancy.

Which of course ends in a series of epic fails. First, involves eating healthier first, by changing pizza night to everyone's favorite, cruciferous vegetable night. This almost kills Sheldon, well kinda.

The other repeated joke of the episode is related to Penny and the fact pretty girl's don't have to pay for anything, well, because they are pretty. Pretty enough to obtain a $1,400. debt from Leonard, in a month, that is questionable in my eyes?! I still haven't forgiven her for hurting Leonard.

Rajesh of course is still not talking in front of lady folk which even includes Penny with whom he sees all the the time. Howard tells lies of what Rajesh is whispering which is kinda funny. But don't try to do this again cause I know you probably will writers of Big Bang! Recycling is good, but not for jokes!

If he can whisper to Howard, is he not still talking in front of a woman? And if so why can't he talk to the other male friends around him and ignore that Penny is there? It gets to me that he still has progressed through this point yet at season 4.

Second, Sheldon begins his running routine with Penny, which lasts about fifteen feet from his door before he falls down the stairs and hurts himself again. Proving living well is dangerous and that an accident may cause his downfall.

And so the Shel-bot is born! A roving, robot body with a monitor showing Sheldon on webcam, a shirt and speakers. I have sometimes wondered if it was possible to never have to leave my undisclosed, safe zone and still interact with society and as Sheldon as proven it can be done!

Really two robot related episodes in a row?! :)

We go through all the normal Sheldon jokes, but now with the Shel-bot! Which is funny in that its a new twist on something old. Sheldon really is the star of the show, if not for the fact he overpowers everyone else's characters.

The final scene in the episode finds the gang at the Cheesecake Factory to bother their favorite waitress, Penny. Sheldon goes through his normal restaurant Sheldonisms, before realizing this episodes guest star, Apple Co-Founder, Steve Wozinack is seated across the room from them.

Robo-Sheldon drives on over and sparks up a conversation telling Steve, he is his 15th technological visionary.  Steve tells Sheldon if he were there in person he would sign his prized old Apple computer system, resulting in Sheldon flying out of the house and falling down the same stairs in their apartment again, proving that accidents are the most common way a man of Sheldon's age could die.

Once again if you couldn't tell from the amount of times I used Sheldon's name, this was a very Sheldon-centric episode, as most episodes have become. I love Jim Parson's and his character Sheldon. He is one of my favorites of all time, and not just because I get referred to being like him by friends. I just wish there was a proper balance between all the characters and that some got to grow more, cough, Rajesh, cough.

I know I am asking a lot from a television sitcom. I can only watch Rajesh talk into Howard's ear so many times!

This episode I found more entertaining then last weeks season premiere, which may have come from the faces Sheldon was making on the monitor of the Shel-bot. They were pretty funny! All the jokes were delivered for the most part to at least a chuckle from me. Since I started writing about the show I've become very critical about its shortcomings, but overall it is still one of the funniest shows out there.

Also the sudden ending of shows with no conclusions has become really popular recently. Half the time I don't realize, FX's It's Always Sunny is even over until The League begins. Are proper endings too hard to write? Or is that the new "In" thing, I get behind on the times occasionally.

How did you feel about last nights episode? Do you like shows with no endings or conclusions your kinds thing?

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